

We have designed an innovative pedagogy to facilitate our objectives of achievement-motivation.


Inspiration through historic and real-life role models. Every life carries possibilities with it. The difference comes from the way life is encountered. We can learn many lessons from the way the successful people have encountered their lives.

Key features:
- Inspiring through the Vision and Achievements of great people.
- Learning from the extraordinary Qualities of great people.


Exploration of personal talents, strengths and weaknesses. Motivating the children to explore and realize his full potential.

Key features:
- Exploring own Passions, Talents and Aspirations.
- Cultivating a habit of strengthening the Strengths and addressing the Weaknesses.
- Developing a confidence in own potential to Achieve.


Development of a personal vision and model of Achievement. Building own Vision and path to Achievement.

Key features:
Discovering real-life strategies needed for a motivated personality.

Envisioning a plan for own life by developing insights on:
a)  Achievement and Achievers - Their role and greatness.
b)  Role of learning new skills.
c)  Reflecting on learning and continuous improvements.
d)  Principle of 'Being at My best in whatever I do.'

The child is able to understand the value of Achievement and the real-life strategies needed to develop a go- getting and an Achieving personality. They are motivated to build a personal vision for their own life and develop personal strategies to create a life of Accomplishment.

These themes are addressed by building a creative and interactive classroom where the child typically engages in different hands-on activities individually as well as in collaborative groups.

Multiple-intelligences based Child-centric learning

Multiple intelligences is a psychological and educational theory put forth by psychologist Howard Gardner, which suggests that an array of different kinds of 'intelligences' exists in human beings.

Each individual manifests varying levels of these different intelligences, and thus each person has a unique cognitive profile.

This theory has met with a strong positive response from many educators and it has been embraced by a range of education theorists, teachers and policy-makers to evolve a different approach for schooling.

Till date, Gardner has identified eight core intelligences: linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily–kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal and naturalistic.

We can use this knowledge of multiple intelligences for developing a child in two ways:
1.  Guide the child to gain insights into his own profile of intelligence.
2.  Design teaching methods with an eye toward supporting child's multiple intelligences.

Value-based learning

We strongly believe that the aim of education is to impart an understanding of life and things in the realms of values and beliefs entwined in the socio-cultural context of our heritage. We mean to provide a value-based learning where the child is taught the importance of abiding by certain essential values like Integrity and Empathy to offset negative attitudes and unhealthy competition.

Real life connections

Our pedagogies provide a bridge between the conceptual learning and the applications of these learning to a child's life at their current age for confidence and aspiration building. These help them in thinking through the plan of action and also implement the ideas, ultimately resulting into visible beginning of the change from within.

Learning can be fun

When dealing with the issue of Achievement and Motivation, the process of learning can easily become too boring for a child. We have focused on retaining the element of fun in all the activities through creative drama, sharing of experiences, learning through group games etc. This keeps the children completely engaged and absorbed in the learning process.

Parental Involvement

Parents are primarily responsible for their child's development. The family is the most effective system for fostering and sustaining the child's development. Without family involvement in the programe, any educational and developmental intervention is likely to be unsuccessful. Also the few effects achieved are likely to disappear once the intervention is discontinued. Hence, parental involvement is an integral part of our program and the parents are required to attend some sessions designed to help them discover effective strategies to develop and sustain a motivational atmosphere at home as well.